T.gondii ROP4

Toxoplasma Gondii ROP4 (RH2) Mosaic Recombinant
Cat. No.
Escherichia Coli.
Protein is >95% pure as determined by 10% PAGE (coomassie staining).
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The E.coli derived recombinant artificial mosaic protein contains the ROP4 (RH2) immunodominant regions, the protein is fused to Glutathione transferase.

Product Specs

Toxoplasma gondii, a parasitic protozoan, exhibits a complex life cycle with two distinct phases. The sexual phase is exclusively hosted by members of the Felidae family, primarily cats, making them the definitive hosts. Conversely, the asexual phase can occur in a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including mammals and birds, termed intermediate hosts. During infection, T. gondii establishes intracellular parasitophorous vacuoles within host cells. These vacuoles contain bradyzoites, the slow-replicating form of the parasite, and primarily reside in muscle and brain tissues. The intracellular nature of these cysts shields them from the host's immune system, making eradication challenging. While antibiotic resistance varies, eliminating these cysts completely remains difficult. Within these vacuoles, T. gondii replicates through binary fission until the host cell ruptures, releasing tachyzoites, the rapidly replicating and motile forms. Unlike bradyzoites, tachyzoites are typically effectively targeted by the host's immune response. However, some tachyzoites can evade immune clearance, infect new cells, and transform into bradyzoites, perpetuating the infection.
This recombinant protein, derived from E. coli, is a mosaic encompassing immunodominant regions of the Toxoplasma gondii ROP4 (RH2) protein. It is expressed as a fusion protein with Glutathione transferase (GST).
The purity of this protein exceeds 95%, as assessed by 10% SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie blue staining.
The protein is supplied in a buffer consisting of 25mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 5mM Glutathione, 1.5M urea, and 50% glycerol.
For optimal stability, the Toxoplasma protein should be stored at temperatures below -18°C. While the protein remains stable at 4°C for up to one week, it is recommended to store it at -18°C or lower. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided.
This Toxoplasma antigen is a valuable tool for various immunological assays, including ELISA and Western blotting. Its high specificity for Toxoplasma gondii makes it ideal for detecting this parasite with minimal cross-reactivity.
Escherichia Coli.
Purification Method
Toxoplasma protein was purified by proprietary chromatographic technique.
Immunoreactive with sera of Toxoplasma gondii-infected individuals.

Product Science Overview

Rhoptry Proteins and Their Importance

Rhoptry proteins (ROPs) are a group of proteins secreted by the rhoptries, specialized organelles found in T. gondii. These proteins play crucial roles in the invasion and survival of the parasite within host cells. Among the identified rhoptry proteins, ROP1 and ROP2 have been studied extensively. ROP1 was initially thought to be essential for host cell invasion, but gene knockout studies revealed that it is not critical for invasion or intracellular survival .

The ROP2 family, which includes ROP2, ROP3/ROP8, and ROP4, was identified through cross-reacting monoclonal antibodies. ROP2, the founding member of this family, inserts into the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) and mediates the association between the PVM and host cell mitochondria. This interaction is crucial for the parasite’s invasion, intracellular replication, and rhoptry biogenesis .

Toxoplasma Gondii ROP4 (RH2) Mosaic Recombinant

The Toxoplasma Gondii ROP4 (RH2) Mosaic Recombinant is a recombinant protein derived from E. coli. This artificial mosaic protein contains the immunodominant regions of ROP4 (RH2) and is fused to Glutathione S-transferase (GST). The protein is highly purified, with a purity greater than 95% as determined by 10% PAGE (Coomassie staining) .

This recombinant protein is suitable for various applications, including ELISA and Western blots. It serves as an excellent antigen for detecting T. gondii with minimal specificity problems. The protein is immunoreactive with sera from T. gondii-infected individuals, making it a valuable tool for immunization protocols and generating antibodies that specifically target the protein of interest .

Applications and Storage

The T. gondii ROP4 (RH2) Mosaic Recombinant protein is used primarily in laboratory research. It is suitable for use in immunization protocols, generating specific antibodies, and detecting T. gondii in various assays. The protein is stable at 4°C for one week but should be stored below -18°C for long-term use .

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